With the main goals to:
i) achieved optimal viral suppressions,
ii) reduced HIV associated morbidity & mortality cases and
iii) avert the transmission of HIV infection,
iv) Reduced HIV risk related costs and ensure sustainability of funds,
Myhealth programme areas are:
1. Administration and office management functions
Registration of eligible members as an entry point to access ARV treatment and related benefits. Even though the programme has embraced World Health Organization (WHO)
Test-n-Treat Strategy the readiness of the clients to start the lifelong treatment commitment is very critical.
Updating of the existing files including loading of blood results received manually (through faxes and emails).
MyHealth improves efficient through the best of technology by declare real time HIV response. Increased interaction by using the social media platforms.
2. Clinical and case management
Integrated HIV clinical care and effectively management of antiretroviral treatment (ART) to maximize achievement and maintenance of viral suppression. Identifying, monitor and possible manage unintended reactions to medicines. Among others, to strengthen adolescents’ friendly programme to ensure acceptability and treatment adherence thereof.
3. Psychological and counselling services
Psychosocial and counselling support aims to address the barriers (physical, economic, psychological or social) regarding care and treatment adherence. To empower members to gain control over decisions affecting them and enabling them to better cope with their illness. Appropriate support will improve people’s quality of life and enable them to complete a course of treatment (PEP) and continue with their ART treatment in a supportive environment. Therefore our services are targeting mostly to ensure retention in care, reduce transmissions and decrease the number of lost to follow-ups ultimately achieve higher treatment success rates.
4. Collaborative efforts
To maximize proficiency, Myhealth has strengthen partnerships with various stakeholders including Institutions of higher learning, Health professional institutions such as HIV Clinician societies, and Pharmaceutical companies etc.
Myhealth is in support of international and local strategies including UNAIDS 95-95-95 strategy, World health Organization (WHO), and campaigns including U=U strategy campaign.